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Is racing dying? Lemmy, Joe, and Spurgeon debate

Mar 02, 2019

Is motorcycle racing dying? Or is it just changing? RevZilla’s commentators sit down for another episode of Highside / Lowside. This time, it’s a deep discussion about the state of motorcycle competition today, and what that means for the sport.

The three discuss everything from road racing, to drag racing, to tearing up the dirt, plus making a living as a racer, the role of spectators, and more. They also touch on challenges such as land use, lawsuits, safety, and the alternative forms of entertainment that draw people to other pastimes.

Sure, racing has some problems to deal with, but Lem, Spurg, and Joe make sure to offer their suggestions for making motorcycle racing a better experience. That includes their top picks for how to start racing and what to do once you get there. Remember, everyone was a beginner once; don’t let the more experienced riders intimidate you too much. Do some research, ask for help, and ride your ride. Or, like Spurgeon suggests, you can always race against yourself to build confidence and skills. Just don’t miss out on the rewarding experiences of racing or spectating with other people who share your passion for bikes.

Where to hear Highside / Lowside

Good news! We’ve had lots of requests from podcast listeners asking for Highside / Lowside on their favorite podcast streaming platforms, so we’ve expanded to include those, too. HS / LS is now available as a podcast from Spotify, Apple iTunes, StitcherLibSyn, and Google Play Music for those with accounts. As usual, the podcast is an extended, uncut version of the video, so settle in and get caught up on motorcycle racing in America.